Council Contingent Guide
General Council Information
For complete timeline details download the 2026 National Jamboree Council Contingent Guide Fall 2024
- Begin recruitment of youth participants, adult leaders and Staff.
- Register your council units for the National Jamboree
- Develop council backdating
- Fee collection for Council Contingent members based on council schedule.
January – March
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders, and Staff.
- Select Unit Adult Leadership.
- River rafting commitment process communicated to local councils from the National Service Center.
April – June
- Implement camporee youth participant promotion.
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders, and Staff.
- First payment to the National Service Center due May 31, 2025. (updated 12/10/24)
- Councils will be billed for payment
- Camp Promotion
July – September
- Finalize collection of second fee payment from contingent members.
- Continue promotion and recruitment during summer camp programs (Scouts BSA and Webelos).
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders and Staff.
- Assign rafting slots to contingent members.
October – December
- Host monthly committee meetings.
- Remind contingent members about Medical Requirements.
- Submit any changes to council commitments.
- Submit second payment to the National Service Center due December 31, 2025.
- Conduct first meeting of National Jamboree contingent.
- Early Bird registration ends November 3, 2025.
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders and Staff.
- Begin verification of all Youth Protection Training.
- Begin collection of annual health and medical records through the registration system.
- Check status of all transportation plans.
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders and Staff.
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders, and Staff. C
- Continue to verify Youth Protection Training.
- Continue to verify medical forms have been submitted.
- Conduct second meeting of National Jamboree contingent.
March – April
- Finalize collection of final fee payment.
- Make third payment to the National Service Center by March 31, 2026.
- Recruit youth participants, adult leaders and Staff.
- Continue to verify Youth Protection Training
- Deadline for medical to be submitted is April 21.
- Conduct third meeting of National Jamboree contingent.
- Continue to verify Youth Protection Training.
- Conduct pre-Jamboree training weekend.
- Pre-Jamboree tour, if applicable
- Attend National Jamboree!
- Post-Jamboree tour, if applicable
- Final Jamboree committee meeting
- National Jamboree reunion.
For complete information about Jamboree Council Organization Download the 2026 National Jamboree Council Contingent Guide Fall 2024
Promoting the Jamboree
- Appoint the council National Jamboree committee.
- Select Unit Leaders
- Devleop a recruitment team.
- Use the promotional videos and brochures in all your communications.
- Each National Jamboree troop/crew/ship leader should be asked to participate in the recruiting of Scouts, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Staff.
- Ensure each unit leader has instructions on where and how to submit a National Jamboree application, the council payment schedule and refund policy, contact information on where to send questions, and any council-specific information.
- Conduct an active publicity campaign about the National Jamboree.
- Use the council news bulletin, council website, executive board meetings, roundtables, committee meetings, and unit meetings for a presentation or a short talk on the National Jamboree.
- Provide material to your local newspapers, radio and television stations, and other media outlets in your area.
- Have a National Jamboree reunion for the adults and youth who have attended previous National Jamborees, providing a reserve of enthusiastic salespeople.
- Tie in a National Jamboree promotion.
- Show the National Jamboree videos each Camp session
- Include the National Jamboree in council shows, camporees, and all other council and district events.
Council Jamboree Committee Positions
- Jamboree Committee Chair
- Council Jamboree Staff Advisor
Committee Teams
- Jamboree Ambassador/Promotion Chair
- Transportation Team
Personnel TeamHealth and Safety Team - Training Team
- Public Relations Team
Unit Organization
Scouts BSA Organization
Adult Participant Roles
- Scoutmaster
- First Assistant Scoutmaster (Troop Activities)
- Second Assistant Scoutmaster (Physical Arrangements)
- Third Assistant Scoutmaster (Scheduling and Records)
- Assistant Scoutmaster for Health and Safety (Not an additional position but add on responsibilities)
Youth Participant Roles
- Senior Patrol Leader
- Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
- Quartermaster
- Scribe
- Chaplain Aide
- Historian
- Patrol Leader
- Assistant Patrol Leader
Venturing/Sea Scout/Exploring Organization
Adult Participant Roles
Associate Advisor/Mate
Youth Participant roles
- President/Boatswain
- Vice President of Administration / Boatswain’s Mate – Administration
- Vice President of Program / Boatswain’s Mate – Program
- Secretary / Yeoman
Chaplains representing many faiths will be at the jamboree to conduct services and provide personal counseling. Participants and staff members also are encouraged to visit the religious relationships area. Religious observances and chaplain services for Scouts, leaders, and staff members of all faiths will be coordinated by a chaplain.
There will be special religious services offered at the Jamboree. Jamboree chaplains of a variety of faiths will do their best to ensure that religious needs of service team members and participants can be accomadated.
Councils are urged to include in their planning the importance of having representative National Jamboree units. These units should consider all race, ethnic, religious, and economic conditions present in the population groups in the territory served by the council. Local support is frequently available to provide camperships for youth who might not otherwise be able to attend the National Jamboree.
An orderly plan should be developed and should include:
- A goal for representative participation
- Requirements for scholarship aid
- Degrees of aid from partial to full scholarship (including uniform and equipment needs)
- Scholarship fundraising plan
- List of selective prospects for funding
- Clearing and coordinating prospects with finance committee
- National Jamboree campership fundraising team (must follow guidelines of Scouting America fundraising)
Prospective sources of funds may be found in service clubs, civic clubs, chartered organizations, corporations, foundations, and selected major contributors. Information to assist your committee may be found in:
- Guidelines on Product Sales and Policy Issues, No. 35-373
- Foundation Resource Manual, No. 35-530
- Project Sales Manual, No. 35-603
Some National Jamboree campership funds are available. For more informaiton about the National Scholarship Program or to apply visit the Jamboree participant page.
The 2026 Jamboree will be a historic event at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.
Click on the link below to access and download everything you need to tell the Jamboree story. You will find logos, videos, social media images, PowerPoint overview and much more.